Application of Talent Test Using An Expert System in Determining Extracurricular Activities for Public Tsanawiyah Students (MTSN) 3 South Coast Using a Forward Chaining Approach


Luchy Rahmadani
Resmi Darni
Dony Novaliendry


Abstrak : Education is a learning process that involves knowledge, skills and habits that are passed down from one generation to the next. In education, there are various kinds of knowledge that can be learned, which can be a bridge for each individual to achieve their dreams. Every child has unique talents and personalities, so it is important to support and develop their potential to the maximum. This research uses the waterfall method to speed up the process of determining extracurricular activities at MTsN 3 Pesisir Selatan with the help of technology. Application testing is carried out to ensure the suitability and accuracy of the program that has been developed. With an expert system-based application that uses a forward chaining approach, it is hoped that it can help determine extracurricular activities that suit students' interests and talents automatically, thereby reducing the burden on teachers or staff who usually carry out assessments manually.

Keywords—expert system, forward chaining, extracurricular.


How to Cite
Rahmadani, L., Darni, R., Novaliendry, D., & Jusmardi. (2025). Application of Talent Test Using An Expert System in Determining Extracurricular Activities for Public Tsanawiyah Students (MTSN) 3 South Coast Using a Forward Chaining Approach. International Journal of Emerging Technology and Engineering Education, 1(2), 64–69.