Development Of Progressive Web App (Pwa) Based Blood Donor Application In Pmi Pesisir Selatan
Abstract-Blood donation is an important voluntary activity for blood transfusion. However, data from the Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) shows that blood stocks have not reached the ideal requirement of 5.56 million bags per year. This indicates the need for improvement in the management and dissemination of information related to blood donation to increase community participation. Information technology, particularly Progressive Web App (PWA), can improve efficiency and accessibility in blood donation activities. PWA allows easier and faster access to donor information without the need to download additional applications. With responsive design and the ability to work offline, PWA overcomes the limitations of native applications and increases public participation in blood donation. In this research, the prototype method was used in designing the application. The Prototype method is used with the aim that developers and users can interact with each other during the software development process, so that the resulting software is in accordance with the wishes and needs of the user. This research proposes the development of a PWA-based blood donor application at PMI Pesisir Selatan to improve donor management, accelerate information distribution, and optimize coordination of blood donor activities. Tests were conducted using GTmetrix, based on the test results it can be concluded that the performance of this site is relatively good, with GTmetrix Grade reaching a B value. More specifically, the site recorded a Performance score of 81% and Structure score of 88%. This indicates that the site has a fairly optimized loading speed and layout. This application is expected to facilitate registration, and blood stock information, as well as improve overall efficiency in blood donation activities, answering the challenges and needs in increasing community participation.
Keywords- Blood Donation, Progressive Web App (PWA), Efficiency, Blood Stock Management, Community Participation

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