Design and Construction of a WEB-Based Information System for the Anak Air Youth Organization


Fachry Alfansury
Lativa Mursyida
Agariadne Dwinggo Samala
Rido Putra


The design and construction of a web-based Information System for the Youth Organization Anak Air was developed to improve efficiency in managing organizational data, including recording cash, activity information, and membership. Currently, the running system still uses a manual method, which has the potential to cause delays in information and errors in recording. This study aims to design and build a web-based information system to facilitate access and transparency in managing the Youth Organization Anak Air. The development of this system uses a prototype method with the Laravel framework as the development base and MySQL as the database. The results of the study show that the information system developed is able to improve the efficiency of data recording, accelerate the delivery of information, and reduce the possibility of errors in managing organizational finances. The prototype method is used to develop the system iteratively by involving youth organization administrators and the community in the design and evaluation process. With the implementation of this system, it is hoped that transparency and member participation in the organization can increase significantly.



How to Cite
Alfansury, F., Mursyida, L., Dwinggo Samala, A., & Putra, R. (2025). Design and Construction of a WEB-Based Information System for the Anak Air Youth Organization. International Journal of Emerging Technology and Engineering Education, 1(2), 70–78.