Web-Based Laboratory Management Information System Design
The application of information systems is very important in an effort to optimize the laboratory management process at the Electronics Department. At this time the Department of Electronics, Padang State University still uses conventional media and uses applications that are commonly used in the laboratory management process which results in information not being classified appropriately and accordingly. Laboratory management activities carried out in the form of recording goods and all activities that occur in the laboratory, this study aims to design an information system to optimize and collect information from data collection activities, borrowing, returning, maintaining inventory items and using laboratories in the Electronics Department. The method used to develop information systems is waterfall which represents a structured and sequential approach starting from requirements, design, implementation, verification and maintenance. The information system implementation process uses the Laravel framework. Verification or testing of system functionality using the black box testing method where the test results show that all functions contained in the system have successfully displayed the page as expected and can be used for laboratory management information systems in the Electronics Department.

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